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Re: [Aroid-l] Request: Amorphophallus plant material for research
From: Bryan Lampl <blampl1 at earthlink.net> on 2004.10.08 at 04:28:04(12267)
I may be able to offer a few small offsets for your testing. I have A.
dunnii, variabilis, and yunnanensis. they are all new offsets from the
parent tuber, so they would be small and haven't had a growth cycle yet.
they are all dormant now, so shipping is easy. if they can be used, let me
Bryan Lampl
| +More |
> Dear Aroiders,
> After lurking on aroid-l for the last year, I would like to offer my
> knowledge of plants (as limited as it may be in areas) to the membership.
> I have, either currently or in the past, had collections of aquatic plants
> (including Cryptocoryne and Annubias species), carnivorous plants, and a
> rather humble Amorphophallus collection.
> My current botanical interests have led me to pursue a Master's in
> Biology with a specialization in plant physiology at the University of
> Nebraska at Omaha. My research goals are to develop a suitable
> micropropagation protocol for at least one member of the genus
> Amorphophallus and to test genetic stability of regenerated plants through
> use of Rapid Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Tests may also be
> carried out on species for which an established protocol exists.
> Presently, I am looking for plant material suitable for this research.
> While A. konjac, A. paeoniifolius and A. titanum have protocols
> established, I am unable to locate information as to whether they were ever
> tested for genomic stability beyond a visual examination. This being said,
> I would be highly appreciative of live material of any Amorphophallus
> species, whether loan, donation or otherwise to my research. If you have
> any such material or know of a source, please feel free to contact me for
> further details. Plants remaining after the research will become part of
> the University šs greenhouse collection.
> Sincerely,
> Douglas Bertelsen
> dbertelsen@mail.unomaha.edu
> Allwine Hall 419C
> Biology Department
> University of Nebraska at Omaha
> 6001 Dodge Road
> Omaha, NE 68182-0040
> USA_______________________________________________
> Aroid-l mailing list
> Aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
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