Some of us do the aroid thing for a profession, like our beloved Lord P.,
some for an educational and fun (and expensive) hobby, and some of us for
fun and money (as much of both as possible, no guilt here). All of us share
a love of these (vaguely unusual) plants in a growing community that we'd
like to see continue to grow (pun unintended).
Let's please join the grown-ups and take the subject with a little more
seriousness of intent. Have fun, it's not worth it if we don't, but if
we're going to be taken seriously and spread our aroid-loving disease to as
many unsuspecting innocents as possible then we need to make sure we do
business scrupulously.
If you're selling a bulbil, offset or seedling, say so plainly and clearly.
There are general public and newcomers who can't tell the difference. If
you're calling something "huge," please make sure that it really is big for
that species. A 6" konjac or paeoniifolius isn't huge. The tuber Scott sold
was huge. There's a difference between RARE and rarely offered. In my
opinion the words weird and bizarre are just never appropriate. It's fine
to get creative in sales text, but it ought to be objective at the same time.
Some of you may consider me a complete wanker for writing this, but over
the last month I've seen so much that's inappropriate that I just can't
shut up any more. I'm sure a bunch of you will agree with me, too.
P.S. This wasn't aimed at any particular seller. I was making comments
about numerous listings by many sellers that I've come across this season.
P.P.S. I've also seen many listings that were accurate and unembellished,
some of which were also accompanied by compelling treatises on the joys of
growing Amorphs. In my humble opinion this is what eBay is all about.
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