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Re: [Aroid-l] titanum goes mainstream
From: StroWi at t-online.de (StroWi) on 2004.11.22 at 05:33:00(12404)
not that I am asking you to buy them for me, since I am from Germany, but what is the size ofe the plant, i.e. how tall are they and what is approx. the "diameter" of the leaf?
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"Bryan Lampl" schrieb:
> As a resident of Southern California I occasionally visit a nationally known
> nursery in the area called Rogers Gardens. While wandering through the
> usually standard plants, to my surprise, I came across three Amorphophallus
> titanum for sale. They were supplied by one of the major growers. If
> anyone is interested, I will guess and say they are two to three years old
> and are priced at $150. The temperature here is dropping into the fifties
> at night, so dormancy is probably not far away and then I suppose they will
> be taken away.
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