Dear Don,
Some Anthuriums require a LONG time for the infructesence to develop and
ripen, up to over a year in some species, other species seem to require a
few months, I have no exact reports on these times, just from observation
and memory. Other aroids vary a LOT in the length of time needed, from
weeks in Caladium and its allies, to over a year in Dracontium and some
Anthuriums. Room here for a wonderful article!
Good Growing,
;My only previous experience with a fruiting Anthurium was with A.
>trinerve (has anyone been able to locate seed or other source for
>this?), and the fruit seemed to mature within a matter of a month or
>My Anthurium halmoorei has finally seemed to set fruit, but seems to
>be taking it's good natured time to mature. Here is a link to a
>photo of an approximately 5 month old infructescence:
>Is time to maturity primarily a species dependent event, or could it
>be delayed because the temperature at which I keep the plant is only
>about 70F/20C? The plant seems healthy in all other respects.
>Don Martinson
>Milwaukee, Wisconsin
>Aroid-l mailing list
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