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  Re: [Aroid-l] Alocasia macrorrhiza or odora
From: "Abrimaal Svartvinter" <abrimaal at o2.pl> on 2004.12.22 at 14:47:14(12490)

This is A. odora in 95%
When not in bloom you can distinguish them by leaves
A. odora had slightly peltate leaves, macrorhiza not
what is easiest to see in young plants, because an adult
A. odora sometimes produces almost non-peltate leaves
The inflorescences are more different:
You can compare them here
A. odora: http://www.roberek.net/abrimaal/araceum/alocasia/macroinf2.jpg
(don't be deceived by the filename, initially I also had a poblem with these

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