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[Aroid-l] Anthurium Magnificum X warocqueanum
From: Brian Williams pugturd at alltel.net> on 2004.12.27 at 16:51:12(12498)
Well sense I am here in KY. I find that my winters are very boring. But
I have found away to pass the time. When I am not playing paintball in
the one foot of snow that is outside. I am in the greenhouse trying to
breed new plants. So recently when both the Magnificum and Warocqueanum
were blooming I put pollen on the magnificum and it seems this cross
took for me. I was wondering if it has been done before and possible if
anyone knows the results? I pollinated over 4 flowers with the
Warocqueanum pollen and have now over 250 seeds and still around 200
more to collect as they rippen. The first seeds are starting to produce
the first leaves. Hopefully this will produce a very large velvet leaf
monster that can possible grow in floridas heat. Though it does not do
me a lot of good here in KY lol. Well I will post pics as they come
along. Merry christmans and happy new years to all my aroid friends.
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