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  Re: [Aroid-l] Philodendron seed from S. Amer.
From: Neil Crafter golfstra at senet.com.au> on 2005.02.02 at 08:35:16(12629)
Dear Julius
I was involved in that order from South America a few years back - in
fact I have to own up to being one of the instigators. The only success
I had in the end were with some seedlings of supposed P.eichleri, as
the other seeds did not germinate. The only surviving plant of
P.eichleri that I have does not appear to be P.selloum / bipinnatifidum
as the leaves are generally only pinnate and not bipinnate, and the
stem has very long intra-vaginal squamules. So I would say that my
plant is not P.selloum, but whether it is P.eichleri with any certainty
is another thing. Looks similar though to Graf's photo of P.eichleri in

Can't say I'm all that surprised about what you have relayed - just
disappointed that's all. Certainly won't be ordering any more seed from
these people. probably just as well the other varieties didn't
germinate - don't need any more P.selloum!!! Would like to hear from
any others who participated some years ago.
best regards

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