From: Don Burns <burns at> on 1997.09.22 at 02:43:49(1293)
I use the same tricks that Dewey does and it never fails to work.
Usually, for a container I will use the clear plastic candy/bakery goods
containers that come from the local grocery - the containers that have
the lid with a hinge. I use my regular potting medium and keep it almost
to the point that it is wet. Usually I'll put enough water in the medium
so that if I added any more I could pour it out. I keep the lid nearly
closed until I see germination occuring. During the cooler winter weather
the lid stays closed to maintain a higher temperature.
With respect to light, anything I germinate sees the normal day/night
light cycle. But the containers are kept out of direct sunlight.
I just paged through Deno's two published studies to see what he has to
say about photo effects on germination. He has a lot to say about
response to light, or lack of it, but he has yet to experiment with
Anthurium or other aroids for that matter.