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Re: [Aroid-l] Philodendron stenolobum
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2005.06.30 at 22:46:45(13084)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Thursday, June 30, 2005 3:20 PM
To : "Discussion of aroids"
Subject : Re: [Aroid-l] Philodendron stenolobum
Dear All,
Here goes---
Before Dr. Goncalves' article in Aroideana Vol. 25, pg.2, there was only ONE
species recognized as P. williamsii by Dr. Simon Mayo, and the plants with
the 'wavy' leaf edge were considered a variety of the P. williamsii complex.
NOW the population from the area of Espirito Santo has been described by
Dr. Goncalves as a different and NEW species (as was suspected by Dr. Mayo),
P. stenolobum (no vars. involved, just TWO valid and different species!!!).
P. stenolobum is very different from the TRUE P. williamsii`s which has,
among differences, a flat leaf blade, and differs in several other VALID
ways from 'true' P. williamsii, plants of which are less common and less
sought after than the newly described and more desirable/'attractive' P.
Just read Eduardo`s excellent article in Aroideana Vol 25, all will become
Good Growing,
| +More |
My P. stenolobum has leaves exactly like those of the large plant featured
in last year's Aroid Show. I find it hard
to believe that the plant that was called williamsii a few years ago, and
was part of the controversy with the plant now
called stenolobum, could be a variation of stenolobum. If they are, in
fact, all to be called stenolobum, there will be much
confusion with this species. Certainly they must be identified under
different varietal names to avoid this.
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