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  Re: [Aroid-l] Philodendron stenolobum
From: Neil Crafter golfstra at senet.com.au> on 2005.07.03 at 01:17:56(13104)
Very clear and message received. I guess it's hard for us amateurs who
do not have access to herbarium material, microscopes, gynoeciums and
locules (let alone flowering material - my old P. 'williamsii' is at
least 20 years old and has never flowered) to try and identify the
plants in our collections. For myself, the tendency to rely on what I
can observe of the plants is perhaps overwhelming at times, especially
when the division between species may come down to microscopic
structural differences in their flowers. Having further examined my
old'williamsii' and new stenolobum, I am struck by the similarities in
petiole cross section and trunk appearance, with the only apparent
'difference' being the leaf blade shape and its stiffness.

This problem with P 'williamsii' would appear to go a long way back. I
have a copy in my files of a beautiful coloured drawing and the first
description of P. williamsii in one of the early botanical
publications, the Botanical Magazine (5899) - the plant looks like
stenolobum more than the longer bladed variation. The author had the
initials of JBH (Hooker?) and he described the plant as being sent to
Kew by Mr Williams of Bahia, giving it the name of Philodendron
williamsii. The paper has a date of May 1871. A question for Eduardo.
Is this the true P.williamsii you refer to which is only known from
some herbarium material? or was this plant misnamed from the start.

cheers Neil

Neil Crafter

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