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Re: [Aroid-l] Aroids: "Equal Opportunity" obsession?
From: a san juan kalim1998 at yahoo.com> on 2005.07.22 at 16:37:36(13225)
Obviously, we are not talking absolutes here, but
generalities...much like a curve describes a natural
population, there will always be the exceptions. It's
like a guy whose Toyota goes bad then makes the
implication that Toyotas are bad in general, even
though to get a more accurate picture one needs to
look at a much larger population of Toyotas.
I am also a member of several aggregations, and there
are areas which are tilted definitely towards one
gender - hymenopterans such as ants for example
attract vastly more men than women, even thought there
are some very good women researchers and enthusiasts.
Anyways, I was just curious, since this came up in
another group....
| +More |
--- Hermine Stover
> At 01:23 PM 7/21/05, LLmen wrote:
> >>I think women are rather attracted by wonderful
> flowers (anthuria, roses,
> >>orchids), especially big and scented. Men are
> analysts, want to know
> >>what's inside, what is it made of, how it works...
> >>
> >>Me
> >
> >
> >Also, I think that men are more interested in
> "architectural" plants.
> >
> >--
> >Don Martinson
> I am an architect and i rather dislike flowers,
> roses in particular.
> hermine
> ps I think this is a silly subject for a thread >
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> Aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
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