From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at> on 2005.10.27 at 09:52:17(13463)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Wednesday, October 26, 2005 12:52 AM
To :
Subject : [Aroid-l] Hurricane Wilma
Dear Enid and other hurricane sufferers,
Keep your heads up, I remember well Monroe Birdsey`s home after Andrew
passed through S. Miami, and how it looked a year or two afterwards,
even better than before Andrew, so recovery will take some time and effort,
but you`ll do it, I know that you will.
Here in WPB we had the 'classical' hurricane, 3 hrs of high winds from the
East, then an hour or so of dead calm as the "eye" blew over, then 3 hrs of
even WORSE winds from the West, then cool winds from the front. I got my
elect. back yesterday, a GREAT leap forward, my home was undamaged, plants
took a beating or are gone.
All the very best to all out there who wished us well.
| +More |
After Hurricane Wilma has gone through, we find ourselves steamrolled
over. We are OK, but most all of the plants and shadehouses have been
smashed. Every tree on our property is down or at least broken in half. We
may not have power in our area for a month. Luckily we have a generator,
and I am able to get online sporadically. We won't be able to ship any
orders until further notice.
Also...I just spoke to Dewey Fisk for anyone who has been trying to contact
him. He is OK and in good spirits, but he has also suffered the complete
loss of his shadehouses. No power, no phone.
Natural Selections Exotics
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