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  Re: [Aroid-l] Amorph and Arisaema dormancy questions
From: "Alan Galloway" alan_galloway at bellsouth.net> on 2005.11.14 at 13:55:27(13538)
my Amorph. gigas that I purchased this year is going dormant and I would
like to know if this is one of the species that should be kept in the pot
with barely damp soil or if it can be stored "dry".

This species should be kept potted and slightly moist!!!

My Amorph. pygmaeus that I purchased in fall '04 as a dormant tuber never
emerged from dormancy all year.

This species, as well as Am. saururus, Am. cicatricifer, and a few others
sometimes skip a year of any kind of activity, no leaf and no flower. I
expect your Am. pygmaeus to either flower or leaf out this coming spring.


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