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[Aroid-l] Aglao X Dieffen
From: Brian Williams pugturd at alltel.net> on 2006.01.20 at 23:47:48(13739)
I am not sure if they are or not. They look to be aroids but it seems no
one knows for sure who or what they are. I am trying to find out who
breed them. As for the colocasia alocasia hybrid I believe bognor did
this years ago but from what I remember reading it was so mutated and
deformed it did not survive. I believe this is in a aroideana? I will
try to look it up. I have not heard anything on this Japanese hybrid it
would be interesting to see or to know who the parents were. I have
tried many times to breed them with no luck. I have tried many odd
crosses on aroids. I have many times come up with berries only to hold
mutated or deformed seed. Non with good seed. Caladiums and xanthosomas
are ones I have been trying and comeing with some near misses LOL.
Caladiums seem to be better at producing berries for me at least but
still not seed of use.
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