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  Re: [Aroid-l] Amorphophallus titanum goes Hollywood
From: Steve Marak samarak at gizmoworks.com> on 2006.02.12 at 19:20:08(13873)

That's the original CSI, no suffix, and according the CBS web site, the title
of that episode was "Pirates of the Third Reich".

On that same website, at:


there is a - surprisingly detailed - plot synopsis, which also mentions
Amorphophallus titanum by name.

This episode definitely had one of those little "mature content, viewer
discretion advised" warnings at the beginning, and I should probably warn all
that the suggestion that one might want to grow plants like the "rotting corpse
flower" if one was in fact trying to provide an excuse for the aroma of
decomposition was one of the least disturbing plot points .....


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