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  Re: [Aroid-l] Philo selloum ID
From: Big Herm hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 2006.03.29 at 19:55:53(14009)
Where the leaf meets the petiole (on top) there is a growth that
starts out like a little pigtail, and grows into a strange leaf or
plantlet or something. It has rooted since, but hasn't resumed
growth just yet, but is definitely alive.

Good Golly Miss Molly! this really is HUGE! I seek out such plants
for personal viewing pleasure all over California...there was an era
of home building and philodendron hybridizing which has yielded a
late fifties to early sixties 'selloum' which gets very big,
leathery, dark green and altogether terrific, even in the dry air of
Southern California. I believe the only huge leaves i have seen such
as yours are photographed in habitat in old editions of Exotica. but
that THING coming out where the rachis joins the leaf, that is one
odd piece of work for me, although i have seen such leaf extensions
or whatever they are called, on other very enthusiastic plants.

I am interested to hear what the Florida members have to say about
this, since some of them live in much kinder climates for landscape
philodendrons. just think, this is only a baby, still in its
terrestrial state, not having yet climbed to the top of a rainforest giant!


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