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[Aroid-l] Colocasias
From: Brian Williams pugturd at alltel.net> on 2006.09.08 at 20:02:59(14577)
I have been interested in breeding and growing Colocasias over the last
few years. I am not even sure how many species are in this group and I
have found little to no information on some species. I would be
extremely interested in seeing a photo of them or even a description.
One question I would like to know is, are all species able to produce
seed? I have found very few known seeding forms of colocasia. In my
alocasia hybrids I have produced I notice that most are sterile and
rarely produce pollen. I find similar traits in some colocasia forms I
grow making me wonder if they are possible hybrids?
I have taken pictures of berries on colocasia species as well as seed
which I have found very hard to find photos of either. I will hopefully
have something good written up soon for a aroid newsletter article or
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