Hi Julius,
No, it's not Amorph symonianus. While my particular plant does not have a
well-pronounced 'knee' others on the sales table did (mine has the knee but
it's not a textbook example). The swollen joints I mentioned are not the
intercalary bulbils of symonianus (which I'm familiar with). Aside from
which Am. symonianus would have one large bulbil at the top of the petiole
(plus additional bulbils at further divisions of the leaflet on larger
plants). On this plant the place where the leaf first begins to divide into
its three primary groupings of leaflets has three large rounded joints.
I will get a photo this evening, assuming I can convince my camera to
autofocus on what I'm pointing at! Then I'll post it here in a size that
shouldn't annoy dial-up list members.
Julius Boos wrote:
From : Ken Mosher
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Wednesday, September 27, 2006 4:35 PM
To : Discussion of aroids
Subject : Re: [Aroid-l] Gonatopus species-solved
Dear Ken,
Loiter I did, but will do more of it next year if God spares life!
Now I have to re-think my ID which was just based on the report that it was
an all-green Gonotopus.
You say that it has these three large, rounded areas on the three joints
near to where the three veins of the leaf meet. This sounds to me like
the seller made a misidentification of a plant, perhaps THINKING it was the
all-green form of G. bovinii, but IF your plant does NOT have the very
'knee'' about 2/3 the way up the petiole, it sounds to me at this point, and
without seeing an actual photograph, that you may have bought an
Amorphophallus simoneanum. I did see some of these at the show. These
three swollen areas that you describe are actually a form of bulbil, and all
three will fall out of the dried leaf and grow as new plants.
Good Luck,
Sorry Julius, if I'd seen you loitering about I'd have asked you! You
really must do more loitering in the future.
It certainly is a different looking plant even aside from the solid green
color. At the place where the petiole divides into three, the three joints
are very large and rounded. But if His P'ness (don't say that too fast) says
they're both G. boivinii then it must be so...
Julius Boos wrote:
From : Ken Mosher
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Wednesday, September 27, 2006 4:22 AM
To : Aroid list
Subject : [Aroid-l] Gonatopus species?
Dear Ken,
No one asked me! "Believe it or don`t", as the old "Mad Magazine' used to
say, I have been told that this all-green, giant Gonotopus is the very same
G. bovinii, the common 'giraffe leg' or whatever, the other one with the
beautiful markings which grows to a substantially smaller plant, at least
the experts including "Lord P" whom have grown it and studied the 'naughty
bits' along the spadix say that they are a match!
So there now!
At that IAS show/sale there were several plants of a solid green
(no spots, stripes or bloches) Gonatopus with no certain species listed.
Nobody there was able to identify the species. Does anyone else have any
I can take a photo and post it later if required.
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