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Re: [Aroid-l] Another Thing About Bioluminescence
From: "AbrimaaL" abrimaal at wp.pl> on 2006.09.29 at 12:00:17(14704)
However remember that luminescent plants also need
Sunlight to live, they can't spend all their life in a darkroom.
----- Original Message -----
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To: Discussion of aroids
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 5:24
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Another Thing
About Bioluminescence
At 05:10 AM 9/28/2006, you wrote:
One other thing that
should be understood is that even the brightest bioluminescent organism is
pretty dim compared with the sun or a 25 watt bulb. Fireflies look bright
against a dark summer sky. But in the daylight you can't even tell if
they're glowing. The same applies to those cool deep-sea fish and, I
suspect, luminous plants. Luminous plants would lose some crowd appeal if
you had to view them in pitch black and wait for your eyes to accustom
themselves before you could even see their faint glow. Tell me if I'm wrong
about this. Ted. ted,
there is no right or wrong about this. in darkrooms for photography, folks
navigate by means of very dim photoluminescent dabs of paper tape. these
could be come obsolete! it is a matter of subtlety. if you have ever
seen a pitch black stage, come to life very slowly as the stage lights just
BARELY come on, you would know what I mean. also folks vary in their ability
to see in the dim light. I grew up reading under blankets by penlight. I wear
sunglasses like welders goggles even indoors in Southern California. very
light sensitive eyes.hermine
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