From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at> on 2007.01.24 at 23:36:27(15134)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Wednesday, January 24, 2007 9:40 PM
To : Discussion of aroids
Subject : Re: [Aroid-l] Rafflesia flower size
Thanks Steve! I was waiting for SOMEONE to come up w/ the correct facts on
these three 'giants', so to all of us 'nuts' out there, the facts are stated
below in Steve`s note! Raflesia IS in fact the biggest single flower.
Concerning the largest infloresence, it is difficult to comprehend how big
an infloresence a Talipot palm can and does produce. For those who have
never seen one, let me 'exsplashiate' (a Trinidadian slang term,
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:--)-------- the Talipot palm is one of the 'giant' fan-palm species, and
grows for many years (30-60??) to adult size (40 ft. or so?), and
THEN!!!!------and THEN!$!$!$!$!$!$---------a HUGE 'ostrich plume' of
flowers, JUST GLORIOUS IN ITS FINAL FORM AND COLOR emerges from the center
of the crown, reaching upward for months, and finally opening into THE most
glorious spectacle, maybe 14 or 15 meters tall by 10 meters wide, almost
impossible to comprehend, cream-white when at its anthesis, hundreds of
nectar-loving birds and insects surrounding and in it! I saw a photo a few
years ago taken from a plane or helicopter of a HUGE one in bloom somewhere
in Venezuela, and as a boy back in Trinidad (around 1960?) a HUGE one came
into bloom near our Botanical gardens, and my Dad (now dead) took multiple
photos, I will try to get my brother to locate them in his collection of
Dad`s slides. This treasure of the plant kindom, having bloomed but once
after growing for so many years, and having spent its all in reproduction,
then dies!
So---onwards to bigger, better and other discussions! Thanks to all who
took part!
"Largest flower" is a question that seems to interest even people without
addiction. I've read the following several places:
largest single flower - Rafflesia arnoldii
largest unbranched inflorescence - Amorphophallus titantum
largest branched inflorescence - Corypha umbraculifera (talipot palm)
although I've also seen Puya raimondii, one of those incredible Andean
bromeliads, as a contender in the last category. The inflorescence is in the
same size range (6-10 meters), but the palm seems to win on flower count by
a couple of orders of magnitude (and probably on total weight, too).
Of course, seeing it several places may just mean most of the writers copied
from the same original source.
-- Steve Marak
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