From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at> on 2007.02.03 at 21:42:58(15217)
Dear All,
A question--what is the status of the existence of a true 'minature' clone
of Monstera deliciosa, and what, it it does exist, are the measurements of a
MATURE leaf of this mimature?????
I THINK I remember a discussion on this back when we exchanged ideas about
the non-existence of the 'red-varigated' clone of the same species which, I
believe, turned out to be a photo-shopped/modified picture of the
white-varigated variety of this species.
I THINK I recall someone saying that the common and BIG clone of this was a
selection from the wild, and if one went back to the area where this plant
occured in Coastal Mexico, one would have difficulty in finding such a large
clone, most wild plants of this species were substantially smaller that the
big one we see everywhere in cultivation Worldwide.
Any information would be welcome!
Good Growing!
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