IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  RE: [Aroid-l] Names for different forms?
From: "W. George Schmid" <hostahill at bellsouth.net> on 2007.03.14 at 15:11:33(15414)
Some time ago we had an exchange on registering aroid cultivars in
PLANTS 2004 edition). I made some suggestions and Derek worked on this also.
Perhaps we can refresh our previous conversations and efforts. The problem I
see in Araceae is to determine which aroids are valid taxa to be handled
under the ICBN and which are in fact cultivated varieties (man-made hybrids)
to be registered under the ICNCP. One of the problems we had under Hosta
were the numerous interspecific, natural hybrids existing in the wild. We
solved that problem by field investigations and accepted such hybrids as
taxa if perpetuating populations were found to exist in the wild. In some
cases, the holotypes were based on cultivated plants purportedly collected
in the wild, but lacking field verification were reduced to cultivars under
the ICNCP and so registered. From some of the earlier messages I deduce that
interspecific hybridization may also be a problem with aroids. To determine
synonymy, RAPD/DNA was employed to make the differentiations. That is an
expensive process, though. It seems to me that a number of aroids in
cultivation are not taxa (valid species) but culta (cultivars). George

W. George Schmid

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