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  RE: [Aroid-l] Cultivar lists
From: "Alistair Hay" <ajmhay at hotmail.com> on 2007.04.04 at 11:07:05(15548)
Derek let me know if I can help!


As always your letter gives clear instructions for a path ahead, and will stir me into action ? although that action is most likely to be a cry for help or relief. This is like so many things, frightening until I can become immersed in the minutiae ? and as you suggest, that immersion to do the job properly can wait a while if LISTING rather than REGISTERING is the initial goal.

I had only about twenty names suggested in total from the last time that I asked for contributions from members ? which meant that I would have to go out hunting for names myself. Not impossible, but even writing down things that I hear or see at shows needs a certain dedication, and, to be honest, gingers are my interest, not aroids!

I must digest your two very good letters, and will try to move ahead on this in the few days before I go off to a two-month contract in UK. Do what I can in the time ?

Regards, Derek

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