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  [Aroid-l] Philo. seed from S. America
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 2007.04.28 at 13:19:01(15604)
Dear Friends,

I would like to 're-visit' the issue from several years ago when we (or at
least some of us) sent money and ordered what were supposed to be seeds of
several scarce Philodendron species from a Company in S. America. As we
may recall, some of these seeds that were labeled as P. saxicolum and P.
adamantinum germinated and grew, but most turned out to be Philo.
bipinnatifidium (P. 'selloum') or something VERY close to this species.
Other vining species of Philodendron grew, and appeared in fact to be what
they were labled and sold as.
I have been trying to get information from other folks who ordered and grew
these seeds, and have at least ONE report of plants that grew from seed
labled as P. saxicolum that are NOT P. saxicolum, but also are NOT P.
bipinnatifidium ("selloum")!!! They are now blooming, and the report is
that some of the spathes are smaller than 'normal' and somewhat deformed,
which might indicate a plant of hybrid origin.
If anyone has plants that they can identify as being from this Company,
please give us a report, or better yet photos of what they grew up to be!

Thanks in advance,

Julius Boos,


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