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Re: [Aroid-l] Philo. seed from S. America
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 2007.04.29 at 11:12:58(15609)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Saturday, April 28, 2007 11:07 PM
To : "Discussion of aroids"
Subject : Re: [Aroid-l] Philo. seed from S. America
Dear Susan,
Thanks for the reply. From what you tell me, I will not need any photos of
your particular plants, as I am mainly interested in trying to determine if
any of the rarer 'self-headers' (Meconostigmas) such as P. saxicolum, P.
adamantinum, P. undulatum, P. paludicola, etc. grew to be what they were
advertized and sold as.
Thanks for the reply!
The Very Best,
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Dear Julius,
I took part in that order from South America. I ordered quite a few
different varieties all of which germinated. The only plants that I
grew to
maturity were, what were named to be, P. 'selloum' (bipinatifidum), P.
wendlandii, and P. erubescense. As far as I know, all were named
correctly...as far as I know. I took part in the most recent order also
have grown P. crassinervium (spelled on their lable 'crassirhyrum' which
didn't recognize) and P. imbe, and P. wendlandii, but they are still
immature, pretty much. You might be able to identify them at this
point. I
can send photos of these plants, other than the original P. wendlandii
as I
hung it high and forgot about it too often. The most recent wendlandii
be represented in the photos. Where would you like photos sent?
Susan Cox<<
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