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  [Aroid-l] Aroid Picture of the Day
From: "D. Christopher Rogers" <crogers at ecoanalysts.com> on 2007.04.30 at 19:03:19(15614)
Every morning that I am not off in the field somewhere I turn on my
computer, bring up my favorites menu and take a gander at the Aroid picture of
the day. It is my custom to look at the picture and guess the identity of the
specimen du jour, in an effort to develop my aroid taxonomic abilities. Then I
click on the image to see how far off I am. I then look up the genus in my copy
of Mayo, Bogner and Boyce, if I am not readily familiar with the taxon. It is
fun and I learn a lot.

Today’s aroid specimen to ID was perched happily upon an elephant. Now,
I have heard of various forms of plants growing on nonsoil substrates, some
growing on rocks (geophytes) some growing on trees (epiphytes). But this is my
first elephyte. But what is it??? Is it an Amorphophallus? Mayo, Bogner and
Boyce are strangely silent on the subject. Maybe it’s an elephifiknow.

Can anyone else offer an identification?


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