From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at> on 2007.05.02 at 22:49:39(15620)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Tuesday, May 1, 2007 5:18 PM
To : "Discussion of aroids"
Subject : Re: [Aroid-l] Philo. seed from S. America
Dear Bill,
I finally got to see your photo of the leaf of your plant, thanks. Forgive
my delay, but I have been agonizing on a reply, I HATE to be incorrect in
information I give out---that being said, lets LEAP into this
| +More |
debacle------I`ll post this one to the aroid-L, as 'enquiring minds want to
In MY opinion, your plant is Philo. bipinnatifidium, certainly not P.
adamintinum. I base this on the fact that in P. adamantinum, the distance
between the bottom of the sinuses (these are the spaces between the
divisions on the leaf blade) and the midrib deminish as you go up the blade
from the tip upwards toward the petiole juncture, while in Philo.
bipinnatifidium just the OPPOSITE is the case, this distance increases as
you go up the blade. We also have to keep in mind that with your photo
we are dealing with just ONE leaf blade of a sub-adult plant.
There are other features NOT shown in your photo which, when I post my
chart, you can check on, such as the intravaginal squamules on the
rhizome/trunk, the shape/color of the leaf scars, etc., etc., just have a
LITTLE more patience with this dumb old man.
I worked today on a comparison chart between the two species involved in
this discussion, but after I was finished I decided that I might as well,
and in fact NEEDED to incorporate P. saxicolum into the brew, since this was
another species allegedly amongst the selection of seeds received. I will
continue working on the comparison chart and will post it ASAP.
The Very Best,
Julius Boos,
Attachment : P.adamantinum (0.23 MB)
The plant in the attached photo (open with a web browser) I grew from seed
labeled P. adamantinum from the source in question. I will be interested in
your opinion.
Bill Anderson
----- Original Message ----- From: "Julius Boos"
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 9:19 AM
Subject: [Aroid-l] Philo. seed from S. America
Dear Friends,
I would like to 're-visit' the issue from several years ago when we (or at
least some of us) sent money and ordered what were supposed to be seeds of
several scarce Philodendron species from a Company in S. America. As we
may recall, some of these seeds that were labeled as P. saxicolum and P.
adamantinum germinated and grew, but most turned out to be Philo.
bipinnatifidium (P. 'selloum') or something VERY close to this species.
Other vining species of Philodendron grew, and appeared in fact to be what
they were labled and sold as.
I have been trying to get information from other folks who ordered and grew
these seeds, and have at least ONE report of plants that grew from seed
labled as P. saxicolum that are NOT P. saxicolum, but also are NOT P.
bipinnatifidium ("selloum")!!! They are now blooming, and the report is
that some of the spathes are smaller than 'normal' and somewhat deformed,
which might indicate a plant of hybrid origin.
If anyone has plants that they can identify as being from this Company,
please give us a report, or better yet photos of what they grew up to be!
Thanks in advance,
Julius Boos,
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