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Re: [Aroid-l] Konjac bloom question
From: "Peter Matthews" <pjm at gol.com> on 2007.05.06 at 12:58:02(15639)
Dear Chuck,
I think one of the main authors on the biochemistry of aroid flowering
(generation of heat and aromatic compounds by the spadix) is Meuse
My own specimen of konjac has just flowered here in Kyoto (now beginning
to decay, 5th May), after an unusually warm winter.
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On 5/2/2007, "Charles Gramling" wrote:
>I have just experienced my first bloom. While reading about the amazing
>growth is one thing, seeing it is something else. I have not seen any
>discussion of what occurs that allows that amazing conversion of stored
>energy in to the flower. I almost thought that the tuber itself should be
>warm with the effort. Is there anything available on this process and what
>compounds are released during the bloom?
>Chuck Gramling
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