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This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.
Re: [Aroid-l] Welcome
From: Susan B <honeybunny442 at yahoo.com> on 2007.06.26 at 16:26:24(15874)
Welcome Betty,Many of us here started out in C&S too and then got hooked on Aroids. I grew succulents for years and then one day googled "jack-in-the-pulpit" for kicks (tried to eat one as a child- not recommended!) and found the Aroid world.Before I knew it, I was hooked and going off to a Symposium in St. Louis and meeting wonderful, friendly people like Julius, Dewey, Scott, and Tricia and many others that were only too happy to take "newbies" under their wing.If you can get to the Aroid show and sale in Miami in September, this is a wonderful place to meet people and see great plants in a beautiful botanical garden.As far as your questions, the only thing I can help you with is your extras. You can always offer them here, or www.gardenweb.com, or www.davesgarden.com, where a lot of new Aroid fanatics hang out- or offer them to your Cactus friends and bring them to the "dark side" lol. Or, sell them on
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ebay and make some money to buy more Aroids!Good growing,Susan bryanthostas@fuse.net wrote: Good morning!I am Betty in Cincinnati. I don't know much aboout many aroids although I am an active member and editor of the Cincinnati Cactus and Succulent Soceity. I am hooked on amorphophallus, but don't know enough to participate in the forum...a dedicated lurker! After travelling to Plant delight nursery several years, I learned about many plants and topics that have sent me in many directions for knowledge.Right now I have a lot of amorphophallus bulbifer patches and am dying to find out if they stink or smell good...I love your word! planthropomorphizing And hope to utilize it one of these days! (I do talk to the plants....although not always as kindly as I should.)What does everyone do with
an overflow of amorphophallus?I don't want to give them to people who don't care about them.Right now I have them potted separately and they are starting to come up. Also, am I permitted to use commentaries from our forum in our local newsletters? Do I give credits to individuals or keep things private and merely mention that it is a forum discussion article? Our society has joined the aroid society at my request. And our society is small with 28 members and 15 of them active. As with many societies in the USA, many of the originating active members are getting older and no longer travel to meetings or collect plants although they still read newsletters and thirst for knowledge. Thanks for your time!--BettyCincinnatizone 5/6_______________________________________________Aroid-l mailing listAroid-l@gizmoworks.comhttp://www.gizmoworks.com/mailman/listinfo/aroid-l
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