----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Pollination in KY
> From : Brian Williams
> Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
> Sent : Thursday, July 12, 2007 1:40 AM
> To : Discussion of aroids
> Subject : [Aroid-l] Pollination in KY
> Attachment : Copyof2007trop093.jpg (0.17 MB),
> Copyof2007trop095(Medium).jpg (0.04 MB)
> Dear Brian,
> Thanks for sharing the info. and the photos.
> The ants were almost certainly feeding on the nectar, in your second photo
> on the R.H. side you can see an ant with its distended abdomen.
> My dad who grew Anthuriums always claimed that he thought that ants might
> be
> one of the pollinators of his plants, all of his plants were A.
> andreanum-type hybrids, by the way.
> Good Growing.
> Julius
>>>I went into one of the greenhouses today and saw that some large
>>>Anthuriums were in flower today. I then noticed they were completely
>>>covered in ants. I figure they were after the sugary sap that the flowers
>>>produce but at the time never really saw any sap. I then noticed them on
>>>another flower with pollen dropping. I took some close up photos to try
>>>and see exactly what they were after. I thought I would share with the
> Copyof2007trop093.jpg
> Copyof2007trop095(Medium).jpg
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