Attachment : 2007_0101Colocasia0002small.JPG (0.16 MB),
2007_0101Colocasia0004small.JPG (0.08 MB), 2007_0101Colocasia0006small.JPG
(0.05 MB)
Dear Deni and Chad,
I think that we need to call in THE big gun here--- Pete Boyce, HELP!
To me it looks like one of the MANY cultivars of cold-hardy C. esculenta
with a virus! Colocasia being a VERY vegetativly 'plastic' genus with so
many cultivars varying one from the other by just minor differences, I
wonder if C. gaoligonsis is a "good" or 'recognized' species? Again, HELP
The Best,
Colocasia wallawallabingbang (AKA Julius)
>>Please could you post this on Aroid-l. Robin has tried but had no luck.
>>We have been in communication about this species and as I couldn?t help, I
>>suggested he try the big wide world of aroiders.
Many thanks,
Deni Bown
From: Robin Bell [mailto:kneel at]
Sent: 24 September 2007 19:06
To: Deni Bown
Subject: Fw: Colocasia gaoligongensis?
----- Original Message -----
From: Robin Bell
To: aroid-l-bounces at
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 8:18 AM
Subject: Fw: Colocasia gaoligongensis?
----- Original Message -----
From: Robin Bell
To: aroid-l-bounces at
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 10:21 PM
Subject: Colocasia gaoligongensis?
We grow this Colocasia in UK. It seems hardy to about -8C. Maximum height
[out doors] is 1 meter [3 ft]. It has been identified as Colocasia
esculenta 'Illustris' through the ID board here, but I don't think it is.
The appendix is vestigial, and the junction of the tube and spathe is barely
constricted. A Chinese key gives C. gaoligongensis. Any thoughts? Chad.