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[Aroid-l] Philodendron corrugatum Croat
From: araceae at gmail.com (Marcela Mora) on 2007.10.04 at 17:59:46(16389)
Dear Steve,
This species, P. corrugatum, has not being officialy published but I am
confident that Dr. Croat will do it soon. As far as I know it only ocurrs in
Colombia, and maybe in Ecuador.
-Marcela Mora
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On 10/2/07, ExoticRainforest wrote:
> I've got another specimen for which I can't find technical information.
> The species is *Philodendron corrugatum* Croat. (see photo) All I've
> learned is the species was described in 1997 and is most concentrated in
> Ecuador but also found in Colombia, Peru and northern and northwestern
> Brazil. If anyone knows anything useful regarding this species I'd
> appreciate knowing that information including blade size, growth rate, etc.
> Obviously, I'd love to get a copy of the scientific description.
> Thanks!
> Steve Lucas
> www.ExoticRainforest.com
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