From: botanist at (Peter Boyce) on 2007.10.05 at 10:45:17(16395)
Hi Julius,
Yep, this is gaoligongensis; one of a raft of new Colocasia described from
SW China in recent years. It is very distinct when you see it grwoing next
to esculenta, not least in that the leaves are glossy and after rain become
uniformly wet rather then the water forming 'mercury drops' on the glaucous
As ever
| +More |
----- Original Message -----
From: "Julius Boos"
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2007 6:25 PM
Subject: [Aroid-l] Colocasia gaoligongensis?/Pete Boyce
> From : Deni Bown
> Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
> Sent : Thursday, September 27, 2007 2:02 PM
> To : "Discussion of aroids"
> Subject : [Aroid-l] FW: Colocasia gaoligongensis?
> Attachment : 2007_0101Colocasia0002small.JPG (0.16 MB),
> 2007_0101Colocasia0004small.JPG (0.08 MB), 2007_0101Colocasia0006small.JPG
> (0.05 MB)
> Dear Deni and Chad,
> I think that we need to call in THE big gun here--- Pete Boyce, HELP!
> To me it looks like one of the MANY cultivars of cold-hardy C. esculenta
> with a virus! Colocasia being a VERY vegetativly 'plastic' genus with so
> many cultivars varying one from the other by just minor differences, I
> wonder if C. gaoligonsis is a "good" or 'recognized' species? Again,
> Pete!
> The Best,
> Colocasia wallawallabingbang (AKA Julius)
>>>Please could you post this on Aroid-l. Robin has tried but had no luck.
>>>We have been in communication about this species and as I couldn't help,
>>>suggested he try the big wide world of aroiders.
> Many thanks,
> Deni Bown
> From: Robin Bell [mailto:kneel at]
> Sent: 24 September 2007 19:06
> To: Deni Bown
> Subject: Fw: Colocasia gaoligongensis?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Robin Bell
> To: aroid-l-bounces at
> Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 8:18 AM
> Subject: Fw: Colocasia gaoligongensis?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Robin Bell
> To: aroid-l-bounces at
> Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 10:21 PM
> Subject: Colocasia gaoligongensis?
> We grow this Colocasia in UK. It seems hardy to about -8C. Maximum
> height
> [out doors] is 1 meter [3 ft]. It has been identified as Colocasia
> esculenta 'Illustris' through the ID board here, but I don't think it is.
> The appendix is vestigial, and the junction of the tube and spathe is
> barely
> constricted. A Chinese key gives C. gaoligongensis. Any thoughts? Chad.
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