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  [Aroid-l] IAS Miami Show
From: plantguy at zoominternet.net (Daniel Devor) on 2007.10.13 at 02:46:59(16478)
Hi Betsy,

Speaking from the perspective of someone who has never gone to Miami because of the cost and time, but who used to import thousands of tuberous aroids every year before I got tired of fiddling with sales, I can say that if a mini-convention were close to me here in PA I would attend. I think many societies (and not just major scientific societies that have been mentioned in some of the posts) blossom because they have so many local chapters and these local chapters have a show every year in their town/region. This is surely true of bonsai societies as well as cactus and succulent societies that I am aware of around the Pittsburgh region. Regional meeting then often move from place to place to bring in a wider audience as has been suggested here (the Northeast Cactus and Succulent meeting was in Pittsburgh last year for example).

It seems that this is what has been suggested by the others from my reading of the posts, but perhaps I am wrong and I should not speak for others as that is ther worst thing anyone can do.

It is possible that there are not enough aroid enthusiasts to sustain regional meetings outside of 3-4 places and that is something that would cause greater long-term probems for the society than what you mention.

I am happy to see that people are enthusiastic about getting these plants into the hands of the growers from other tropical countries as this would over the long haul help to drastically drive down prices for these plants in the U.S. which is something most growers are totally against.....I am glad that the aroid community is more visionary and would rather increase the number of growers that can then import back into the U.S. and drive down prices at their own expense. I can tell you that I recently got several nasty e-mails when I spent some effort trying to track down large commercial growers for a certain South American Amaryllid as small nurseries that charge large sums of money realized that if I could pull this off it would hurt their bottom line. My reasoning that making the plant more accessible to the masses at a low cost would increase the overall desire to try it in a window was met with disdain......I am glad that the aroid growers here are not thinking only of themselves and their profit bu
t rather they would rather put the plants into the hands of other growers who can hopefully mass produce them like they have so many other plants....Bravo!!!

I agree with everything you say about the backbone of the society and the amount of work required, but hopefully those in the Miami area would not feel slighted, but rather would view it as a chance to see other spectacular collections which likely exist in other parts of the country.

I would love to have an aroid gathering near my home so that I can go to it, as there is no chance I am going to spend several hundred $$ going to Miami....not something I can justify and I dare say I am not alone in that lack of justification.

Just the thoughts of someone who can not and will not make it to a show in Miami,


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