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  [Aroid-l] IAS Miami Show
From: agavestar at covad.net (Michael Mahan) on 2007.10.13 at 02:58:53(16479)
I must agree with Betsy Feuerstein ..whole heartily .. I think that any
dilution/reduction/movement of the status of the IAS Miami show would be a
Huge Mistake ! My posts were meant to have a IAS presence at other garden
& flower/orchid shows just to encourage new membership . as for a Westcoast
IAS show & sale, there is no way that could fly as a stand up show / sale by
its self . It would have to be in conjunction with some other established
Garden / Home / Orchid Show as a booth or a junior partnership to an
ongoing annual event . Even then there would have to be an Club well in
place , that is a local entity established with board members & a bank
account , just to even think of holding such a event or even a booth. And
Betsy is right , that all takes a lot of hard work, long extensive planning
, very loyal dedication & a willingness to devote a lot of one's own
personal time from persons who would be able to stay in that mode for a
long time, that & Cash ! Which would not be drawn from the IAS its self as
that would dilute the reserves that fuel the Miami show .

As for a moving show that in no way will work unless there is some IAS
member who has really deep pockets to fund a tour of livings plants on a
road tour with rented trucks and a support crew . Yes it sounds good about
having a moving show to showcase are loved Ariods but come back to real
world on this thinking. This is not a Rock Star on tour who can charge high
ticket prices to cover the expenses of moving Live Plants across state

All this is I M H O ....

Michael Mahan

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