From: rflutz at (Richard F. Lutz) on 1997.11.23 at 22:36:27(1655)
At the present time the NETC does not have a web site. Their collection is
being housed in the local Vo -tech greenhouse of which I am the
Horticulture instructor. We had Tom Visit us last year at our first
tropical flower show. This year we are putting an exhibit in the New
England FLower Show. They get 175,000 people a year to visit that show.
We will also have the plants in our second annual show March 21.
The NETC is currently going through a site ananlysis and will present it to
the Zoning commission in January. We how to have the first stages of our
35 million dollar conservatory under way in 4 years. This spring the first
of the research houses should be going up if all goes well.
The executive director of the NETC has been a collector for Tom in the
past. They have done a lot of collaborative things together in the past.
Dick Lutz