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  [Aroid-l] Xanthosoma is X. sagittifolium
From: ju-bo at msn.com (Julius Boos) on 2007.10.24 at 17:47:26(16603)
From: bogus@does.not.exist.com ()
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 21:33:25 -0000
Subject: No subject

Dear Ted and Leland,

I sincerely thank you for your too-kind words---I do what I can.
If I manage to show or convince just ONE up-and-coming young taxonomist to
think and act "out of the box", I believe I would have accomplished
something good for aroids.
Think for a moment, all I tried (and suceeded in doing!) was to get as
positive an ID as I possibly could of a plant being discussed, as no sexual
mater was available, and who knows when it might become availble.
So you work with what material you have, in this case my experience with the
taste/flavor/texture of the cooked rhizomes of some of the species/cultivars
of Xanthosoma. The one in question I could easily 'key-out' based on its
color, flavor and texture of its cooked rhizome!
I only wish others would use the tools we have to assist in ID`s, such as
the very different odors of the inflorscences of different species. There
is what appears to be for me a very complicated odor collection and analysis
system which I have heard and read about, so hopefully before I die some
sort of much simpler/cheaper system may become available and this can be
used by the layman.

Anyhow, thanks again, at LEAST two people ''got it".

Good Growing(and 'bon appitete!)

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