From: gcyao at (George Yao) on 2007.10.29 at 11:22:00(16624)
I believe Thailand has a facility for irradiation that induces
variegation. I have also heard that tissue culture can induce
variegation, like, for example, some of the variegated bananas that
has been coming out.
George Yao
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At 10/29/2007 01:04 AM, you wrote:
> From : Ken Mosher
>Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
>Sent : Sunday, October 28, 2007 3:19 PM
>To : Discussion of aroids
>Subject : Re: [Aroid-l] Forms of ZZ plant -thanks + a tissue culture
>Dear Ken,
>Thanks for the info:, from what I`ve heard, there is "something" going on
>with this "varigated" kick, all sorts of plants are popping up in a
>varigated form. A friend hinted to me that there is a process being used
>to induce this varigation in MANY plants, just recently I heard of a couple
>plants of varigated Philodendron goeldii for sale in Asia, and even in other
>plant families way too many varigated cultivars are turning up for it just
>to be by chance.
>Does anyone have any info. on this??
>The Best,
> >>The very expensive Zamioculcas for sale at the IAS show was variegated.
>That's why it was $100. There were several rooted cuttings in each
>plastic sleeve and there were two available for sale.
>-Ken Mosher
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