From: Steve at (ExoticRainforest) on 2007.11.14 at 16:58:22(16698)
As several of us have discussed privately, and a prominent member of this forum published publicly on a garden website, Dr. Croat has expressed his opinion in an email that the plant being commonly sold as Anthurium jenmanii (the one with the purple/red new leaves) is actually Anthurium bonplandii subsp. guayanum. I published Dr. Croat's email verbatim on my site under both Anthurium jenmanii and Anthurium bonplandii guayanum. I am now being criticized publicly for doing so. I don't wish to show a slanted approach. I simply strive to publish facts that are botanically accurate. Botanist David Scherberich provided a photo of the species he knows as Anthurium jenmanii which is now on my site.
If anyone has an opinion that is opposed to Dr. Croat, please feel free to send me a private email and I will publish your stated position as well. Please make it clear why you disagree as concisely as possible and I will publish your quote along with your name so others may consider your position. My goal has never been to affect the sale of any plant. It is solely to publish accurate information.
Steve Lucas