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  [Aroid-l] What's a Cataphyll?
From: ju-bo at msn.com (ju-bo at msn.com) on 2007.11.26 at 21:47:03(16742)
ted.held at us.henkel.com
Sent: Mon 11/26/07 8:43 PM
Reply-to: Discussion of aroids (aroid-l at gizmoworks.com)
To: Discussion of aroids (aroid-l at gizmoworks.com)
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Dear Ted,

I`ll give it my best shot---in "The Genera of Araceae'' By Mayo, Bogner and Boyce, in the Glossary, pg. 310, it says--

"cataphyll--a modified leaf which lacks a blade and in appearance corresponds to a petiole sheath; may be used to describe other leaf types whose techinal names are defined by position rather than form, e.g. prophylls are usually of cataphyl shape in Araceae, see phrophyll."

"prophyll--the first leaf of a branch (or sypodial unit); in Araceae almost always a 2-keeled cataphyll, often confused with cataphyll:-- cataphyll refers to a particular type of morphology (reduced leaf), prophyll refers to the position of the leaf along a branch."

If one reads some of the descriptions of genera, one gets a better idea and understanding of these structures, especially when one views the excellent line illustrations and compares the text to the illustrations. For example when discussing Philodendron, they state--
"LEAVES: Numerous, small to gigantic, prophylls of mature stems caducous, marcescent and decidous or persistent and membranaceous or decomposing to net-fibrous remains."

In Anthurium---"LEAVES: prophylls and cataphylls usually +- persistent, entire (membranaceous) or rotting to a fibrous mass (net-fibrous), sometimes completely disppearing."

I can only HOPE this may assist Bernhard.
I wish I knew German, but Bernhard sometimes visits with Josef Bogner, so I feel certain that Josef can set him straight!

The Best,


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