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[Aroid-l] Alvim Seidel
From: pugturd at alltel.net (Brian Williams) on 2007.11.29 at 00:04:51(16760)
I have been contacted by Alvim Seidel nursery in Brazil. I sent a
request for a seed list of their aroids and recieved a list very similar
if not identical to what I have seen in years past. After sometime they
sent a reply and said they will now show photos of their mother plants
were the seeds are coming from so people know better what to expect from
their seeds. I know many of them were not what they were said to be in
years past but I was suprized by some of the things I did get. I did get
a few new species and Angra dos Reis was wrongly IDed but it did show up
under another name so did crassinervum which seemed to have some
different forms once grown out from seed which was a interesting and
nice surpize. So far they have sent me pictures of the following plants.
I will ask permission to add them to the list so they can be better
IDed. Thought some of you maybe interested.
| +More |
Angra do Reis
Selloum compactum
philo lundi
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