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[Aroid-l] FW: re. your philodendron images in the IAS pages
From: hetter at xs4all.nl (Wilbert Hetterscheid) on 2007.12.17 at 15:19:43(16832)
Hi Peoples,
I got this message from somebody and because I am not an expert in
Philo-matters, can somebody answer these questions to me privately
(hetter at xs4all.nl), so I can help this man?
| +More |
> Onderwerp: re. your philodendron images in the IAS pages
> Hi, Wilbert Hetterscheid,
> I just again have viewed your fantastic picts of the
> Philodendrons on the IAS website.
> Can you tell me the difference between P. andreanum and P.
> melanochrysum? - is there any?
> You show a great pict of P. sodiroi - one of my alltime
> favorits. Is P. sodiroi the same (synonym) of P. ornatum?
> Thank You
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