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[Aroid-l] does anyone know which amorphophallus this is?
From: hetter at xs4all.nl (Wilbert Hetterscheid) on 2008.02.16 at 20:53:19(17073)
It is dactylifer. Never believe that an Amorphophallus has one colour
pattern only.
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> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: aroid-l-bounces at gizmoworks.com
> [mailto:aroid-l-bounces at gizmoworks.com] Namens Thom Powell
> Verzonden: donderdag 14 februari 2008 0:39
> Aan: aroid-l at gizmoworks.com
> Onderwerp: [Aroid-l] does anyone know which amorphophallus this is?
> I was told it was a dactylifer, but according to the IAS
> dactylifer
> is a brown and white flower. thanx
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