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[Aroid-l] "Elephant Ear"??? Man, I hate that term!
From: Steve at ExoticRainforest.com (ExoticRainforest) on 2008.03.09 at 13:43:53(17135)
I'm sure just about all of you have seen plants in your local nursery, Home Depot, WalMart or Lowe's being sold this time of year with the name "Elephant Ear". I hate that term and no one at any of our local stores has ever been able to tell me what the species, or base species if it is a hybrid, might be. I've always assumed some sort of Xanthosoma but can't find anything. One note I recently received said it was a very large Caladium, but if it is, I can't find out anything about it. Does anyone on this forum know for certain? Although I've never seen one produce a spathe I'm told it produces a large white inflorescence. This is one plant I'd love to do a page for my website on!!
Steve Lucas
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