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[Aroid-l] Elephant ear
From: pugturd at alltel.net (Brian Williams) on 2008.03.10 at 17:16:43(17154)
The large rounded tubers commonly sold are almost always Colocasia
esculenta. In most cases the Xanthosomas are elongated and usually have
pink colorations in or on the tubers. I have rarely seen Xanthosomas
sold commercially, but more often they are sold as food in ethnic stores
as malanga. Colocasias are usually sold as Taro or Dalo. One of the best
ways to tell if it is a Xanthosoma is to see the color of the sap
Xanthosomas usually have white sap they also have pink to white spaths.
Their is only one Colocasia I know of with a white spath and that is
Colocasia gigantea.
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