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Re: Hispanic Grocery Tubers
From: Alexandra Pichardo <neonatura at codetel.net.do> on 1997.12.09 at 22:41:27(1724)
Lester Kallus wrote:
> I finally located a hispanic market here on Long Island and was faced with
> the classic question of which "aroid is this root".
> I found Mapuey, Columbian Yam and two varieties of Yautia. After searching
> the web, I identified Mapuey as Dioscorea trifida. Is that an aroid? Can
> it be grown over a short season?
> Columbian Yam looked very much like tubers of Colocasia esculenta. At
> $1.29 a pound it seems far more reasonable than the general cost in
> nurseries. Is Columbian Yam a Colocasia?
> Yautia looked like (and probably is) a Xanthosoma. Can anyone identify
> Xanthosoma fla (presumably florida) and Xanthosoma lily?
> Thanks,
> Les
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I could give you the correct name of yautias and mapuey later meanwhile
you can eat them and are very tasty. The white yautias are very
important part of the Caribbean Islands food. You can boiled them with
salt and enjoy them with cheese or eggs.
And it's dietetic food too, for colesterol illness and diabetic illness.
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