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  [Aroid-l] St. Paul tiny titan
From: ku5 at yahoo.com (KATHY UPTON) on 2008.04.09 at 22:29:43(17352)
Yes, I'm here! The tuber that bloomed when it was 3 years old hasn't bloomed again, but is healthy. A sibling from the same seed batch bloomed in 2001, both at University of Missouri-St.Louis, (although Julius is correct remembering how I took the little one home one evening so I wouldn't miss it opening, not wanting to spend the night at work. And it really sent its odor throughout my whole house at 3 AM! ). Since then there have been only leaves produced, proving how unpredictable the species can be. Would it be quite as unique and interesting if it bloomed like clockwork?! Jim Symon, if only you could be around now to see all the fun and excitement you created!
-Kathy Upton

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