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[Aroid-l] The tiny titan in St Paul
From: myeakel21 at earthlink.net (myeakel21 at earthlink.net) on 1970.01.01 at 00:00:00(17385)
Hello All!
I am finally getting a chance to catch my breath after the whirlwind of activity surrounding the Titan last week!! Just an update as to how the story ended!
BOB was placed in our former gift shop area on April 3rd. There are no greenhouse controls in this area so the room was either too hot, too cold and too dry! So the next bloomer will stay in a greenhouse!
The inflorescence maxed out at 28 1/2" tall! Only half of the spathe was formed. The spathe never opened fully so there was no measurement of width taken. There was lots of aroma when we came to work on April 9th at 7am. The strong smell lasted through the day and really tapered off the next day about 11AM. Even today, there is still enough scent to remind me that the plant is back in the greenhouse!
In hindsight, I think that I kept the corm too dry during dormancy and the environmental conditions were challenging in the Parlor area where it was displayed. This plant was started in 1993 from seed collected by James Symon. This plant also was in a smallish pot, that ended up breaking. There were two corms in the pot---BOB was 25 lbs and there was a second corm that was 13 lbs. The 13 pounder has not broken dormancy yet. They were both transplanted on Oct 31 2007.
Thanks for all the historical info! I am hoping to look at it in depth when I get a chance!
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To see a timelapsed photo, please check the Como Zoo and Conservatory webpage. There is a gardeners blog.
Happy growing!
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