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[Aroid-l] ID on Philodendron
From: mnadruz at jbrj.gov.br (Marcus Nadruz) on 2008.06.04 at 11:49:09(17729)
Dear friends,
Certainly the species is neither eximium and not cordatum, but remembers very P. scandens, differing slightly because of yellow spots on some leaves.
| +More |
> Steve I cannot say for sure but this looks similar to plants I grew from
> seed from Brazil as eximium. Which were later IDed as Agra dos Reis. I
> now have what looks to be exactly the same plant that was collected in
> Brazil as my seedlings and it is tagged as cordifolium. I know they are
> not eximiums but am now confused if they are Agra dos Reis or
> cordifolium. Either way they are beautiful species.
> I have photos of the seedlings and mature plants if interesting in
> seeing more. Thanks.
> ExoticRainforest wrote:
> > Can any of you give me a possible ID on this Philodendron? ?The lrgest
> > leaves are currently approximately 10 inches and I've had it for two
> > years. ?As you can see, some of the leaves are bicolorous. ?It is kept
> > in moderately low light so the color changes have little to do with
> > the sunlight. ?The upper side of the blade is glossy, bottom is
> > slightly matte. ?The plant has slightly red aerial roots. ?The tag
> > vanished so any possible ID would at least start me in the right
> > direction.
> > ?
> > Thanks!
> > ?
> > Steve Lucas
> > www.ExoticRainforest.com
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
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> --
Marcus A. Nadruz Coelho
Pesquisador Titular III
Diretoria de Pesquisas
Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botanico do Rio de
21 32042144
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