> ________________________________
> > From: Steve at exoticrainforest.com
> > To: aroid-l at gizmoworks.com
> > Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2008 07:36:15 -0500
> > Subject: [Aroid-l] Philodendron sagittifolium at female anthesis!
Dear Friends,
After he received this explanation from me off-l, Steve has requested that I post this (see below) to aroid-l, as there are some who may want to learn what is occuring in Steve`s notes and photos of his blooming of Philodendron sagittifolium which he so kindly has shared with all of us. Steve will be doing a dissection on this bloom and taking some additional photographs, and then we all should be able to observe what I try to describe (below).
There may be a few ''out there'' who do not appreciate what Steve is doing for readers of this forum and for the I.A.S., and have written blind notes to him telling him in a not-kind manner of their feelings. Please step from the darkness and address your concerns or comments to me off-l, there is no need for this sort of feelings, and you being hidden behind the secrecy of e-mail does NOT present a ''level playing field".
Julius Boos
ju-bo at msn.com<
> Dear Steve,
> It has suddenly occured to me, based on your comments (Number 4, below) that you are unsure about the actual composition/structure of this bloom, as the female flowers are and were always present, just hidden from your view by the enclosing lower portion or tube of the spathe.
> To assist you, the female zone of flowers which were at anthesis when you were taking these photos, are completely hidden, located in a band around the very bottom on the spadix. Take a quick look at pg. 25 of your big green book, TGOA "B"and at Deni Bown`s illustration on pg. 349, these are good "typical" drawings of these structures!
> This female zone of flowers is located deep down INSIDE the closed portion of the bottom portion or tube of the spathe. What is visible in your photos is the widely open upper portion or limb portion of the spathe, exposing only the upper male portion of the spadix.
> I suggest that once you begin to see the pollen, that you take a razor blade and cut the spathe in half vertically, two cuts will be necessary, one on the r.h. side from top to bottom, the other cut on the opposite side, then across the bottom of the front, removing an entire front section. This should leave the spadix fully exposed so that you can re-photograph the bloom and so see and explain the entire structure of both the spathe (top portion or limb) and the bottom structure of the spathe, an actual enclosure named the tube which surrounds and protects the female zone of flowers!
> I hope this helps you to understand the bloom of a unisexual-type aroid, vs. the bisexual blooms of an Anthurium or Spathiphyllum. Oh, I would NOT try tasting the resin of the upper spadix as suggested!
> The Best,
> Julius
> > OK, now Dr. Croat has explained the red dots are a resin for the pollinating beetle to get on their bodies and thus be able to pick up and carry pollen. During the night the thermogenic heat reduced as did the pheromone. By 1:30AM it was barely detectable.
> >
> > I forgot that the auto overhead watering system would kick in at 5:30AM! Didn't stay out long at 5:30 in the morning with the rain falling on my head. When that was done around 6:45 I tried to get back to taking photos. By the way, it is pretty much like being in the rain forest in your pajamas!
> >
> > Once the "rain" stopped this one was taken at 6:30AM. The spadix still appears almost like the 1:30AM shot. I think I notice is the color of red on the spathe itself just beneath the opening to the spadix has reduced in intensity. No female flowers appear present. This is obviously going to be a two day event, perhaps longer, with the species Philodendron sagittifolium. I'll be checking every few hours for activity.
> >
> > So a couple of observations:
> > 1) the pheromone is not apparent this morning.
> > 2) No thermogenic heat can be detected
> > 3) The red at the lip of the spathe is reduced
> > 4) No female flowers are present
> >
> > The spathe is obviously waiting on something to continue the cycle of reproduction. I'll guess we'll check every few hours and see what transpires.
> >
> > Now where did I put my Scarab Beetles?
> >
> > By the way, Julius, Leland, Marc, Ron, Denis, any of you that know about this activity please teach me!
> >
> > Steve Lucas @ 7;25AM Maybe 3 hours sleep!
> > www.ExoticRainforest.com